(6hr) Training

303 & 304

Do not start this course if you need 12-hr Pre-Assignment Training.

This course is ONLY for 6-hr Continuing Training needs.

Do NOT start this course if you have already started a 12hr Pre-assignment course. You must continue in the 12hr course you started.

This course is for:


Please contact us if you do not know what course you need to take.

-Please read through this Intro Page and watch video-
-Then click “TAKE THIS COURSE” button on the top of this page to get started-
-If it says “In Progress” at the top, you can click the Lessons at the bottom of the page to continue-

Video Length: 5 minutes

REQUIRED: Watch entire video


This course is intended to provide a comprehensive training/educational pathway for private detective practitioners, public law enforcement officers who work private investigations part time, all those who are instructors of private detectives, and those who seek new careers or promotion in the field of Private Investigations.  Special attention was devoted during the preparation of this curriculum to assure that it contains all of the required topics set out by Rule 7506 and Minnesota Statute Chapter 326 regarding certified training of Private Detectives.


1. This course is designed to meet or exceed the requirements of the Minnesota State Board of Private Detectives and Protective Agents for mandatory pre-assignment training of private detectives and for continuing education credits for private investigation practitioners.  It is intended that the same material used to teach the 12 hour requirements shall be used to teach the 6 hour requirements.

2. This course is also designed for public law enforcement officials who perform private detective services or who own private detective companies or who teach private detectives.  It is intended that this course will meet or exceed the requirements of the POST Board for licensed public law enforcement officer POST credits.

3. This course will be of interest to private detective company owners, managers and authorized representatives as well as the employees who work for these companies.


The following list of topics will be addressed in this course:

Lesson 1



The person who walks the thin line between unethical behavior and illegal behavior, will ultimately fall off that line on the side of illegal behavior.  In this session we will discuss  ethics & professionalism, the influence of personal ethics on bias, prejudice, & discrimination, and sexual harassment in the workplace as ethical impropriety.  We will examine numerous codes of ethics, discuss application of ethics on the job, examine ethics with respect to reasonable & necessary use of force and discuss ethics with regards to invasion of privacy.

Minnesota Private Detective Related Statutes & Administrative Rules


In this session we will closely examine state regulatory statutes, state regulatory rules and qualifications and requirements for licensing.  We will study how these new laws effect public law enforcement officials as well.  This study will introduce the student to numerous Minnesota Statutes that impact their work such as:  169.64 Prohibited Lights, Exceptions, 169.98  Police, Patrol, Or Security Guard Vehicle, 326.32 To 326.339, Private Detectives & Protective Agents, 626.88 Uniforms, Peace Officers, Security Guards, Color, 629.30 Arrests, By Whom Made, Aiding Officer, 629.336 Theft In Business Establishments, Detaining Suspects, 629.36 Permitting Bystander To Deliver The Arrested Person, 629.37 When A Private Person May Make An Arrest, 629.38 Requiring A Private Person To Disclose Cause Of Arrest, 629.39 Requiring Private Person Making Arrest To Deliver Arrestee To Judge Or Peace Officer, 629.401 Delaying To Take Prisoner Before Judge, 629.403  Prohibiting Refusal To Aid Officer To Make An Arrest, 629.63 Conditions Under Which Surety (Bounty Hunter) May Arrest Defendant.

Lesson 2

Incident/Situation Assessment


The security officer and private detective share a common problem-personal safety.  In as much as most of us are unarmed, and many of us do not even carry a set of handcuffs, we have a considerable disadvantage in conflict resolution situations.  This session has the potential to save someone’s life or at least reduce the probability of a serious injury.  In this session we will discover priority interests in terms of officer safety, we will review the ten fatal errors officers make and identify the “red flags” to watch out for.  In addition we will review the awareness color chart, explain the “tachy-psyche effect”, explain the “fight-flee-flow” response, and examine the “control formula”.


The important part of covert surveillance is that it remains covert so that the subject does not turn around and pursue the pursuer.  It is essential for the detective to do the following: 1.) identify reasons for surveillance before commencing surveillance, 2.) conduct the proper preparation for surveillance, 3.) understand what covert undercover investigations are all about, including tactics of undercover investigators, 4.) understand the difference between stationary and moving surveillance, 5.) understand the danger of undercover investigations, and 6.) be able to identify common mistakes in maintaining surveillance.  Abuses of surveillance and consequences for abusing this tactic will also be discussed.


Once again we visit information gathering but this time from a very specific perspective.  In this session we will take a look at government sources of information, court record sources of information, books and directories, newspaper archives, church & cemetery records, armed forces records, electronic tracking sources of information, and Internet and software sources of information.

Rights to Privacy, Invasion of Privacy, Data Privacy


There are few rights that Americans cherish more than their privacy, even if they are the bad guys.  Everyone including the bad guy, and especially the bad guy, has state and federally protected rights to privacy.  The private detective has no right to invade that area and violate privacy even if the ends will justify the means.  There are four areas of privacy highly protected in law, “appropriation”, “false light”, “intrusion”, and “public disclosure of a private fact”.  This session will review of each of these areas as well as the 13 deadly sins of invasion of privacy, abuses of the Social Security Insurance system records, and examine the contents of a comprehensive program of data protection.

There are 2 Lessons in this Course.
You must Pass the Quiz in each Lesson before you are able to move onto the next Lesson.

-Click “TAKE THIS COURSE” button on the top of this page to get started-

Do NOT take this course if you have already started a 12hr Pre-assignment course. You must continue in the 12hr course you started.

If you have Started the course, and it says, “In Progress” and “Currently have completed x lessons of 2 in total” at the top left of this page, you can click on the LESSON TITLE listed BELOW to continue.
It will say “In Progress” next to the latest Lesson you have started.
You must complete each Lesson in order.

Do not click on the Lesson links below, UNLESS, you have already started the course and need to continue.
If you click a Lesson from here and have not Started the Course, it will say you don’t have access and need to register.  You will then need to Click the “Take course” button on that page, to start the course.


Lesson 2 Incident/Situation Assessment and Privacy Rights (6hr) CTTA304

Length: 180 minutes

INCIDENT/SITUATION ASSESSMENT & PRIVACY RIGHTS  1. Regarding officer safety, the officer comes first for protection at the scene of a violent incident. Follow this priority of who is most important to protect at the scene: a. The officer b. The victim c. Third parties d. The perpetrator. Yes, you have a duty to protect the […]